Welcome To The Sailing Adventure
Hey there and welcome to this blog! To begin with, a few words about myself. I’m Jakob a 17 year old sailor from Austria and mostly sailing solo on our 31 ft boat Wolf. I started sailing when I was 6 years old manly inspired by my dad who sailed a sporty Hobie Cat 16 alone when he was young. Decades later this passion for this sport also transferred on me and today I’m a passionate sailor myself. You can read more about my person here.

How It All Started
Austria isn’t really the first country that comes into some ones mind when you tell them about sailing, is it? It all started when I was born (didn’t expect that huh?) My dad used to restless sail a Hobie Cat 16 alone when he was young. That passion transferred over on me when I was a child and soon I started reading books about ocean sailing and could not get enough of all different kind of things that had to do with sailing. The first time I stepped on a sailboat was when I was starring at sailboats in a little marina when my family and I were on vacation. It was an Austrian sailor who caught me starring at his boat. He asked me if I wanted to come onboard and have a look inside. Of course I wanted! That was the moment I knew I wanted to sail such a boat myself one day, which now is Wolf, an Optima 92.
My Goals
I want to make sailing a part of my life, maybe even sail full time. Even tough I already have offshore experience such as sailing across the English Channel with wind speeds up to 9 bft at night and sailing on the North Sea at gale force, I still have a lot to learn. Learning never stops! One day I definitely want to circumnavigate the globe and maybe get into offshore regatta sailing. There is still a long way to reach those goals and make them reality.
Follow The Journey
On this Blog I want to share my adventures out on the water sailing on the North Sea and maybe one day reaching down to the Equator and exploring the oceans and far away islands beyond the horizon. Since I’m also a passionate adventure photographer I want to combine these two Hobbies together. You can check out my photo gallery to see more.
So If I managed to awaken you interest feel free to follow the journey and be a part!